PASSING MARKS ... Only 35 out of 100

Actually I wrote same blog in Marathi language. But one of my non Marathi friend was eager to know what I have written there . I tried to write same in English . 
Thanks to her . 
Thanks Akhila for asking me English translated version . 😊

When I looked at my acrylic canvas painting , first words shined in my head were 
 PASSING MARKS ... Only 35 out of 100  

 So I decided to give same name to my this blog writing. 


I was thinking to give this stylish, fancy name to my blog post.  But as said by many  "pearls seem to be heavier than the nose😀😆". I dropped that plan .

 What comes in mind at first glance is always perfect ... PASSING MARKS ... Only 35 out of 100😛

 The story of PASSING MARKS starts from my schooling . I was able to earn only 36 or 35 marks in drawing  and that too because school could not fail any student in  subject drawing . 😝  A girl who earned lots of points in other subjects got only PASSING MARKS in drawing ... always.

My drawing teacher tried hard but all vain.  If he will read this blog today, he will give me at least  40/100😉

 For the first time I wished to play with colors.  Now another wonder was ,  how such a different idea came to my mind ...  A pleasant surprise for me too 💖  

I never had any connection with paintings n all , but that day I wanted to buy a canvas ...

 I picked a canvas of smallest available size. Ask me why ? 
Shade of my fear was darker than my desire toward colors. That was a fight between brain and mind . My brain was telling me again and again , "Painting, drawing is not your liking.It is not your expertise .  Don't jump in it "

I my canvas size is 20×20cm.. ONLY

If you want to see a video , how I painted this canvas, click here. I shared it on YouTube.

Then I  turned my march towards color's cupboard.  I was totally unaware of what colors  canvas needs .....  I  had never painted  before...

Decided to have a smallest pack of acrylic with 8 shades. Just because , I didn't want to waste too much if nothing comes out perfect . 

 Out of which I used below 5 colors.

Generally artists use many types and many sized brushes for canvas. But for this shopping I accepted myself as uneducated . 😃 I used only one brush and that too basic . 

 Looking at this white canvas, I remembered my blank exam answer sheet. 
 In memory of the 35 points earned in  school days , a color I picked was red. Red remark in my drawing book is my today's first color

First strip of the canvas was painted to look as brighter as sunrise.

Then came my saffron ... who taught me to keep my head always high.  The Hindu ....
Slightly wider than red strip.  I gave him more room for his greatness.
BHAGAVA .. I always respect this color. 

 Our drawing teacher always taught us to paint yellow water color as background . Ohh that I forgot here  .... Let's paint it now. Yellow background  .  

My canvas is as colorful as the HOLI.   Heaven...😍

 Now I had to paint a black dot on it . " NAJAR NA LAGE " 😂

 I spread these dots on canvas like a kajal in my eyes.  My loneliness, fear, tension whatever was there  in my mind, all poured out with this black color.

All ups and downs experienced in life, I painted them today as it is here in mountains  .  
Climbs .. few were smaller and few were too high 

Looks like assembling.  My guess and attempt about colors is not so bad as I thought 😎
Yes ..come on . You can do it Amruta .  😎

Now what do you think guys ? Shall I erase memory of red mark, my chosen first red color ? 
 Real life's  tensions are stronger and deeper than the red marks of the drawing book.... so a little black shade on red strip.... a little bit.

 Well, it looks like rising sky .Even though nobody likes it , I liked it.

 My first painting I liked the most  ...  honestly
I can not lie with you people today . 

 These black hills are pinching me up a lot.  Our life is not so bad . 
 Do we really need this much darkness , this much black color ?

Ohh yes .... We have a stress reliever in our coloring box ..... a symbol of peace .... white color ....

I painted a layer of white on yellow wash. It was looking calm now .Exactly same like when Surya Narayan rises while everyone else is in a deep sleep.

A fear that I will not be able to play with these colors has so far gone away.  Today I have decided, no matter how many problems I have, no matter what points I earn ...I will always paint my sky the way I like.

My mind is flying high up in colorful sky like a  flock of birds.  
Freely , happily .

My PASSING MARKS story finished here with freely flying birds. 

Gave a birth to my a beautiful painting and a sweet story.

Hope you like both  .... 🥰

So how many points are you giving me this time?  35,36 or 40 ?😅 

~ Amruta


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