Being a mother

Being a mother is one of the happiest feeling in this world. You always get more than expectation from your child.
Being a mother is something more than just loving your child, caring your child, training your child, disciplining your child.

Being a mother also means
Allowing your child to teach you
Growing in yourself with a different view

Being a mother also means
Happy to say ....I love being your mom
Full day cartoon network with Jerry and Tom

Being a mother also means
Learning to thing twice
One for herself and one for her child

Being a mother also means
Highest paid job with a salary of love
Reading nursery rhymes and playing with dove

Being a mother also means
Feel the things on a deeper level
Stories for your kid from your own novel

Being a mother also means
Learning about strengths you didn't know
Some pains in heart that never to show

Being a mother also means
Putting my kid always first
Answering his questions with full of confidence

Being a mother also means
Schedule of sleepless nights
Everyday is festival of lights

Being a mother also means
Everyday ........ sorting back spread toys
Craft , sing , dance with lots of joys

Being a mother also means
Ten kisses at a time
A sudden hug that clasps you tight

and many more things .....

Because of all these things ...
Being a mother is like octopus
Multitasking with multiple hands :)

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