Made my day

What a wonderful start of the new year 2013... :)
And a BIG BIG thank you to him :)
He made my day

On this special occasion
I have something to say
You are the one
who made my day

For this special bond between you n me
even though we are miles away
You are the one
who made my day

I am here just bcz what u said
"let the chips fall where they may"
You are the one
who made my day

You taught me to be always a winner
in a game at which two can play
You are the one
who made my day

With a gun of emotions and in a lovely way
you fought to keep my loneliness at bay
You are the one
who made my day

Today u proved what u say
"where there's a will, there's a way"
You are the one
who made my day

:) Thanks


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