Planting Bareroot Roses


Good time to plant bare root roses is February
I bought two from Aldi. One is normal rose plant and another is climber
Both are winterhart

Before planting them , keep roots in a bucket of water for 4-5 hours . It will make them moist .

If you are potting in a balcony, choose VERY BIG size pot as their roots grow fast. If planting in earth, dig deep.

First layer of soil, second layer of compost ( here I used Rosen Dünger घोड्याचे शेणखत ) , third layer of soil and then place your rose roots over it .
Make sure compost is not touching to roots . Else it will destroy them. Third layer of soil is very important.

Cover it with good quality soil  leaving 2 cm main stem over soil.
Bare root roses purchased for shop always have green colour painted on it's small stems. Cut that painted part.
To avoid any type of infection to small stems , apply some pure turmeric powder over its tip.

Water it nicely. Make sure your pot has water drain holes . Avoid without holes pots.

Always water your plants when upper layer soil is completely dry.

My plants took 3-4 weeks to show first sign of growth. ( पहिला कोंब ४ आठवड्यांनी उगवला )

These plants need plenty of sunlight.

Infections :
1. Black spots on leaves
2. White fungus on stem and leaves
3. Fungus in a soil
4. Small green colour insects covering newly born brach / bud
Treatment :
1. Dilute  2 spoons NEEM OIL  in 1 litre of water. Spray it on plant. Never use it without diluting. ITS TRIED AND TESTED METHOD. WORKS PERFECT. I USE IT TO OTHER PLANTS TOO.
2. No side effects
2. Add turmeric powder to water and spray it .
3. For soil fungus, let upper layer of soil dry completely. It's because of over watering.
Cutting and pruning:
After flower blooms (and dries on plant ) ,  cut that stem . जिथे ५ पाने एकत्र असतात तिथे फांदी कापून टाकायची. ३ पाने वाल्या फांदीला पुढे दुसरा फुटवा येत नाही / फुलं येत नाहीत.

Avoid using chemical fertilizers.
कांद्याची साल पाण्यात २४ तास भिजवून त्याचे १ पेला + ३ पेले साधे पाणी . आठवड्यातून एकदा थोडे थोडे  घालाने.
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